Question: Is the book of Genesis the summary of the book of Jasher and the book of Jubliees?



They are poor stories of late copy and expansion for bad motives.

Genesis, is the beginning of the Truth revealed to mankind, directly from the mind of Almighty God; which has the motive of showing the Truth, revealing God’s Plan/s, leaving us with free-will to seek and find!

Unfortunately, since the theory of Evolution broke through into the world nearly 200 years ago, coupled with the very unfortunate lack of truth, sincerity, and wrong motives in the churches of all colours; Satan has had the field to himself almost!

However, 2Timothy 3:15–16 states the Truth; which is clearly stated by Jesus; “I AM the way, the Truth, the Life"; John 14:6, which is the fulfilment from Gen. 3:15, and will have its ultimate completion after the 2nd. Advent or Jesus the Christ, when He hands back the finished work to the Father, (1Cor.15:24–25)!



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